#abgeVARN Dealer Site: English


For private customers, all vehicles can only be purchased including German VAT. A tax refund is not legally possible.

When vehicles are purchased by vehicle dealers or business customers in the EU, this is a so-called "intra-community supply".

This means that you pay the VAT in your home country and not in the FRG.

However, we have to keep the German VAT as a deposit until you have proved the export of the vehicle by the certificate of arrival.

Simply select your desired vehicle in the vehicle search and click on "Request vehicle". Our team will contact you immediately and discuss your wishes, questions and all details with you.

So it works:

Here follows the process for safe vehicle purchase for each customer group separately.


  • Private

    Found your dream car? What happens next?

    To prepare the order documents, we only need the following in advance:

    • Copy of identity card or
    • Copy of the passport

    Please send them to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. or use the Email-Button below.

    We will send you the order documents, which you simply need to sign and return to us by e-mail, and very soon you will be able to take delivery of your new vehicle.

  • Business

    To prepare the order documents, we only need the following in advance:

    • Copy of the business registration
    • Copy of identity card or passport of the holder / managing director
    • Tax ID and VAT-number 
    • Businessaddress, Email, Phone- & Faxnumber
    • Bankaccount

    Please send all to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. or use the Email-Button below.

    We will then have them checked and you will receive the order documents within 24 hours. We take care of the rest until delivery.

  • Dealer

    To prepare the order documents, we only need the following in advance:

    • Copy of the business registration
    • Copy of identity card or passport of the holder / managing director
    • Tax ID and VAT-number 
    • Businessaddress, Email, Phone- & Faxnumber
    • Bankaccount

    Please send all to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. or use the Email-Button below.

    We will then have them checked and you will receive the order documents within 24 hours. We take care of the rest until delivery.

Every vehicle purchase is preceded by an order. For this, we need the personal or company documents in advance. You can find out exactly what these are under the respective tabs of the customer group.


  • Private

    Your new vehicle is ordered? Congratulations!

    Why not use the time until your car is ready to be handed over to make the payment? This way you avoid unnecessary delays.

    We will send you the invoice by e-mail, and you can transfer the money conveniently and securely from home.

    Meanwhile, we take care of your dream car! Handover check, TÜV, warranty.

  • Business

    Your new vehicle is ordered? Congratulations!

    Why not use the time until your car is ready to be handed over to make the payment? This way you avoid unnecessary delays.

    We will send you the vehicle & deposit invoice by email, you transfer the money conveniently and securely.

    Meanwhile, we take care of your dream car! Handover check, TÜV, warranty.

  • Dealer

    Your new vehicle is ordered? Congratulations!

    Why not use the time until your car is ready to be handed over to make the payment? This way you avoid unnecessary delays.

    We will send you the vehicle & deposit invoice by email, you transfer the money conveniently and securely.

    Meanwhile, we take care of your car!

Please note that the legislator has severely restricted cash payments as part of money laundering prevention, so we can only accept bank transfers for vehicle purchases. Convenient and secure. Of course, you will receive the corresponding invoices with all relevant data from us in advance.


  • Private

    Once the handover date has been agreed, we are very happy to meet you in person.

    We only hand over to you personally!

    Therefore, please remember to bring your identity card / passport to the appointment and, if necessary, transfer / export licence plates.

    We wish you a pleasant and safe journey!

  • Business

    Once the handover time has been agreed, we will be very happy to meet you in person. If you are not taking over the car yourself, please send us an authorisation by email in advance. Please remind the authorised person to bring their identity card / passport and, if applicable, export licence plates to the appointment.

    In the case of shipment by forwarding agent, the buyer must be listed as the destination address in the shipping documents!

    After export to the agreed destination country, please send us the original "Gelangensbescheinigung" by post and a copy of the vehicle registration certificate with re-registration to the buyer.

    As soon as we have received both, we can arrange the immediate payment of the VAT deposit to your bankaccount.

  • Dealer

    Once the handover time has been agreed, we will be very happy to meet you in person. If you are not taking over the car yourself, please send us an authorisation by email in advance. Please remind the authorised person to bring their identity card / passport and, if applicable, export licence plates to the appointment.

    In the case of shipment by forwarding agent, the buyer must be listed as the destination address in the shipping documents!

    After export to the agreed destination country, please send us the original "Gelangensbescheinigung" by post.

    As soon as we have received, we can arrange the immediate payment of the VAT deposit to your bankaccount.

Anticipation is the best joy!

And that's why we use the time to check your vehicle once again before handover and provide all documents. Please allow 1-2 weeks for this. However, our team will tell you the required time frame when you place your order.

In any case, we can only hand over the vehicle after receipt of payment.

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Team Export

Francesco Faragone
Digital Sales / Global Export / Händlergeschäft

Die angegebenen Verbrauchs-und Emissionswerte wurden nach den gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Messverfahren ermittelt. Am 1. Januar 2022 hat der WLTP-Prüfzyklus den NEFZ-Prüfzyklus vollständig ersetzt, sodass für nach diesem Datum neu typgenehmigte Fahrzeuge keine NEFZ-Werte vorliegen. 

Die Angaben beziehen sich nicht auf ein einzelnes Fahrzeug und sind nicht Bestandteil des Angebots, sondern dienen allein Vergleichszwecken zwischen den verschiedenen Fahrzeugtypen. Zusatzausstattungen und Zubehör (Anbauteile, Reifenformat usw.) können relevante Fahrzeugparameter, wie z. B. Gewicht, Rollwiderstand und Aerodynamik verändern und neben Witterungs- und Verkehrsbedingungen sowie dem individuellen Fahrverhalten den Kraftstoffverbrauch, den Stromverbrauch, die CO2-Emissionen und die Fahrleistungswerte eines Fahrzeugs beeinflussen. 

Wegen der realistischeren Prüfbedingungen sind die nach dem WLTP gemessenen Kraftstoffverbrauchs- und CO2-Emissionswerte in vielen Fällen höher als die nach dem NEFZ gemessenen. Dadurch können sich seit dem 1. September 2018 bei der Fahrzeugbesteuerung entsprechende Änderungen ergeben. Weitere Informationen zu den Unterschieden zwischen WLTP und NEFZ finden Sie unter https://www.volkswagen.de/wltp, www.audi.de/wltp, www.porsche.com/wltp, www.skoda-auto.de/unternehmen/wltp, und www.seat.de/ueber-seat/wltp-standard.html

Weitere Informationen zum offiziellen Kraftstoffverbrauch und den offiziellen spezifischen CO2-Emissionen neuer Personenkraftwagen können dem „Leitfaden über den Kraftstoffverbrauch, die CO2-Emissionen und den Stromverbrauch neuer Personenkraftwagen“ entnommen werden, der an allen Verkaufsstellen und bei der DAT Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, D-73760 Ostfildern oder unter www.dat.de/co2 erhältlich ist.  


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